Oliver Pike Elected as 2022-23 Arc Chair

The Arc Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Oliver Pike was unanimously elected as the Chair of the Board on 22 June 2022. 

Oliver is a proud Wiradjuri Ngemba man in his 4th year of a Fine Arts and Secondary Education degree. He is a current Student Fellow in the Kensington Colleges, a member of Academic Board, an award winning Pipe Band Drummer and a member of the Indigenous Games Nationals Team.

Oliver said of his appointment,

I am honoured to be elected to the position of the Chair of the Arc Board. Arc is an organisation that I am incredibly passionate about and their impact on the lives’ of UNSW students is unparalleled. I want to thank Laura Montague for her immense contribution to Arc, and I am eager to get to work devising the next iteration of the Arc Strategic Plan and continuing to deliver the best student experience."

In his year long tenure as Chair of the Arc Board, Oliver will oversee the strategic direction of one of the largest student organisations in Australia as they deliver on their mission to create the best student experience. The Arc Board of Directors is comprised of 15 people, the majority of which are current UNSW students – with 8 student directors plus the SRC President & PGC President. 

Arc CEO Shelley Valentine noted,

Olly's incredible understanding and enthusiasm for all facets of student life will make him an exceptional Chair and further Arc’s mission of creating the best student experience."

Also elected at the meeting were, Oscar Iredale as Honorary Treasurer, Arthy Mukunthan as Audit & Risk Chair, Jacqueline Price as Nominations & Remunerations Chair and Carel Greyling as Student Development Convenor.  

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Chair of Arc Board

Oscar Iredale

Arc Reception

P:(02) 9065 0900


H:10AM - 5PM

A:Gate 5 on High St, UNSW