Student Representative Council

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The Student Representative Council (SRC) is protecting and promoting your rights on campus. 

They run large-scale campaigns for student rights and provide support for those in need. Your student reps are democratically-elected to represent and campaign for your interests within UNSW, in the broader community and to Government. 

The Student Representative Council is linked to every aspect of university life, by:

  • Liaising with the university to improve the quality of your education
  • Representing UNSW students on a campus, state, national, and international level
  • Providing support for special groups all across campus.

You can get in touch with them about an advocacy issue, get involved in their campaigns and meetings or run for office! There are also autonomous spaces on campus run by SRC and collectives that you can visit to feel safe.

To get in touch and keep up to date with all our campaigns and initiatives, you can Like and Follow our Facebook Page or email us at

Find out more

Meet 2024 SRC

The team that makes the magic happen.

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SRC Minutes

SRC Elections

Autonomous Spaces

Find autonomous spaces on campus.

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Welfare Collective

Supporting and advocating on behalf of any vulnerable or low-SES students.

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Environment Collective

Eco-warriors and environmental advocates.

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Ethno-Cultural Collective

Representing students of colour and CALD backgrounds.

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International Collective

Listening and uniting all international students.

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Queer Collective

We're here. We're queer! Representing LGBTQIA+ students.

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Students with Disabilities Collective

Advocating for an accessible campus.

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Education Collective

Lobbying UNSW to improve teaching & learning conditions.

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Indigenous Collective

Uplifting the voices of Indigenous students

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Paddington Collective

Ensuring that UNSW Paddington campus students are supported

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Check out the PGC for all your specifically postgraduate social and advocacy!

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Know Your Supports

Free Help, Support and Counselling Services

If you would like to talk to someone about experiences of racism, domestic troubles, bullying, grief or depression that is causing you concern, free help, support and counselling services are available to students at UNSW.

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Sex and Healthy Relationships Portal

University is a place of learning and experimentation. Sex is just one part of that. But what does a healthy sex life look like, and how do you maintain your health while still having fun?

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Mental Wellbeing Hub

Sometimes life can be tough or it doesn't go to plan, but you don't have to navigate it all on your own. Check out the resources, services, workshops and events attached that have been designed to help and support you.

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Supports for Student Parents

UNSW is committed to helping students balance work-life responsibilities, by providing access to high-quality services, facilities, and flexible work and leave arrangements, where possible.

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Reporting Sexual Assault & Misconduct

Report Here

Available Resources

Domestic Violence Guide - Resource Guide


In English


Domestic Violence Guide - Resource Guide


In Chinese


Domestic Violence Guide - Resource Guide


In Korean


Need some more info? Got a question or suggestion? Drop us a line!

Student Representative Council (SRC)

SRC President

Michael Rahme