All contributing members of a Club can receive AHEGS Recognition! 

A contributing member is anyone who gives their time, effort and commitment to help the Club in some way, which differentiates them from someone who simply participates in Club offerings. This definition is purposefully left general and vague so that anyone who has provided contributions to helping things happen with their Club can be eligible for Recognition.

Below are some examples of the most common types of contributing member, but this is not an exhaustive list! If you have a role that does not fit into the below definitions and want to see if it's eligible for Recognition, get in touch with us.

  • Club Executives - All Clubs will have this type of contributing member, the executives that are managing and running the Club itself! Executives are leadership positions elected at General Meetings that have responsibilities defined within the constitution. As long as the minimum requirements of 20 hours commitment and completed executive training are met, all executives within an AHEGS Approved Club will be eligible for AHEGS Recognition.
  • Subcommittee (Subcom) Members - A subcom member can be defined as anyone who holds an ongoing role which has formally delegated/assigned responsibilities and tasks given by the executive team. A subcom member is not voted upon at a general meeting but selected by the executive team through some sort of selection process. A subcom member must also be provided training or an induction in order to be recognised as a formal subcom member to be eligible for AHEGS Recognition.
    Subcommittee structures are often informal and ad-hoc to provide flexibility in how they can support what the Club needs, so most 'helper' roles will be classed as subcommittee members when it comes to AHEGS Recognition.
  • Peer Mentors - For Clubs that run a peer mentoring program, peer mentors are recognised as a specific category of contributing member to acknowledge the unique service they provide for students. 
  • Volunteers - Volunteers are members of the Club who have offered their time to help the Club when it comes to events, but this is different to subcom members in that there are no ongoing responsibilities and the volunteers are helping with a specific few major events. Additionally, volunteers usually are not selected via any recruitment process.