What is mediation?
Mediation is a voluntary process, which can help people who are in conflict to discuss the issues, understand each other’s point of view and explore possible options for resolving the problem.
Mediation is facilitated by a mediator (someone who doesn’t have any personal involvement in the problem being resolved) but the responsibility to resolve issues lies with the parties. Mediation only works if each person is opened minded, able to listen to the other and is focused on solutions. You decide the outcome.
Arc’s mediator is nationally accredited.
What does a mediator do?
The mediator's job is to help you to talk to the other person about the issues that are causing problems for both of you. They make sure that it is safe for you to meet and keep the conversation respectful.
The mediator will help both of you to:
- have a chance to be heard equally and fairly
- work out what issues are important to each of you and why
- find areas of agreement and common ground
- work with both of you to help find solutions for the identified issues
The mediator will not:
- give you advice – legal, counselling, financial, or any other advice
- judge you or decide who is right or wrong
- take sides or make decisions for the parties
- tell you what agreement you should make
Why mediate?
Mediation can be helpful to stop issues becoming bigger.
Mediation is a voluntary process. Only people who want to resolve issues will want mediation so there is already a commitment to resolve issues.
Mediation is a flexible, informal process. You decide what you will discuss and can explore options and reach agreements that meet your needs and interests. An agreement
Agreements reached in mediation are your decisions - no third party will force a decision or a particular course of action on you.
What type of issues can be mediated?
Mediation is used to resolve issues and establish mutually beneficial agreements in lots of different situations including.
Mediation can be used at UNSW to resolve:
- Issues between Club Executive members;
- Interpersonal conflicts in friendship groups;
- Neighbour/roommate issues in UNSW Colleges
How do I get more information or make an appointment for mediation?
You can get more information by emailing advice@arc.unsw.edu.au