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Everyone approaches decision-making differently, some people like to consider all the facts, some like to draw on past experiences and some tune into their own gut feelings about the issue. No matter your style, here are some tips to keep in mind when you’re tasked with making decisions. 

1)      Being Timely

Make sure you are fully aware of when a decision needs to be made by or if a deadline is not given set yourself one and let the other party know when you will inform them by. Try and stay on top of your decision-making duties, a backlog of lots of little decisions can be more pressure and less clarity than one massive decision. It’s important not to drag out decisions, but definitely take time to consider all of your options, way up the pro’s and con’s and get other opinions. Move slowly on the decisions that are non-reversible but remember not making a decision is a decision not to take action. Don’t waste any time making decisions that don’t have to be made or that were not yours to make.

2)      Getting Opinions

It’s a great idea to get some extra insight on decisions you need to make, particularly from the people involved and who it will affect. It is important to be upfront with the people you bring into the decision-making process. It should be clear whether they have a consultative or decisive role from the get go, that is whether they will offer new perspectives, opinions and suggestions or whether they will form a part of the decision such as in a voting capacity.

3)      Get all the facts

Make sure to get the facts that come with both sides and outcomes of the decision. Don’t stick to the information that comes up in your first google search, go to a range of resources, people and sides of the argument for a well rounded understanding. 

4)      Tune in to your emotions

Emotions can motivate us to rush a decision or be so overwhelming it slows our process right down. Tune into yourself and notice what emotions might be influencing your decision. It is ok to consider emotions when making decisions, but you only want them to be a factor on the pro’s and con’s list, not the decider.

5)      Don’t be so hard on yourself

Decision making can be really overwhelming, particularly when the stakes are high. Keep in mind that when you make a decision you are choosing the best available option that exists, not making a choice between right and wrong. Know that your decisions are not a reflection of your loyalties, you are choosing what is right not who is right.

Fine-tuning your decisiveness