Postgraduate Council

Providing information, support, representation, and advice on issues that affect postgraduate students at UNSW.

Get In Touch

Join a Committee

PGC Committees

Each year, the PGC appoints members to serve on committees that act as operational and advisory bodies to its Office Bearers. Committees will normally meet monthly with their Chair (Vice-President) and Deputy Chair (Committee Liaison) to discuss issues, agree on delegated work, respond to referred matters, and consult with relevant academic administration. The overarching goal of each committee is to create community and broad engagement among their constituent student body and advocate on their behalf with the PGC.

Joining a PGC committee is a great way to uplift the voice of your peers. We interview and appoint members on a rolling basis, and we welcome applications from all students, whether you are in your first term or final year at UNSW. For more details about the committees and their roles and responsibilities, please refer to the PGC charter.

Expression of Interest Form 2024

Committee Structure

CommitteeChairDeputy Chair
Marketing, Editorial, and MediaGeneral Secretary-
ResearchVP ResearchResearch Committee Liaison
EducationalVP CourseworkCoursework Committee Liaison
International Student EngagementVP InternationalInternational Committee Liaison
Equity, Diversity, and InclusionVP EquityEquity Committee Liaison

Attend a Meeting

PGC Meetings

The PGC meet every month to discuss matters and to share updates relevant to the postgraduate community. Matters for decision and discussion are submitted as motions by Officers and Committee Liaisons. These matters are generally formalised by discussions within committees or from feedback directly referred to committees. An agenda with submitted motions and Office Bearer reports is sent to all attendees in the week prior to each scheduled meeting.

Minutes from past meetings that have been approved and confirmed are available for viewing under Updates.

During a meeting, motions are passed by a simple majority on a show of hands. Voting members of the PGC include its Officers and Committee Liaisons who are appointed to their positions in annual student elections. If you would like to attend and observe a PGC meeting either in-person or online, please email the PGC General Secretary to receive a calendar invite. 

Email the General Secretary

Meeting Dates

  • 22nd January 2024 (4-6 pm)
  • 19th February 2024 (4-6 pm)
  • 18th March 2024 (4-6 pm)
  • 15th April 2024 (4-6 pm)
  • 20th May 2024 (4-6 pm)
  • 17th June 2024 (4-6 pm)
  • 15th July 2024 (4-6 pm)
  • 19th August 2024 (4-6 pm)
  • 16th September 2024 (4-6 pm)
  • 21st October 2024 (4-6 pm)
  • 18th November 2024 (4-6 pm)

Elect Your Student Representatives

PGC Elections

Arc encourages students to represent their peers by bringing experience, values, insight and interest to the work of SRC, PGC, IRC, Arc committees, boards and groups that deal with student matters. You will have the power to create real positive change and also gain valuable experience in advocacy, negotiation and teamwork. 

PGC elections are conducted annually to elect Officers and Committee Liaisons. The roles and responsibilities of these positions are described in the PGC Charter. All elected PGC members hold office from December 1st in the year of election until November 30th of the following year, and may only hold any one office for a maximum of 2 years.

Further Information on Elections

Elected Positions


President of the PGCGeneral Secretary
Vice President ResearchVice President Coursework
Vice President InternationalVice President Equity
Canberra Campus OfficerPaddington Campus Officer

Committee Liaisons

Research Committee LiaisonCoursework Committee Liaison
International Committee LiaisonEquity Committee Liaison