Associate Membership

Join Arc Today!

If you're not a current UNSW student you can still get heaps of Arc benefits! 

These groups in the UNSW community are eligible for Arc Associate Membership:

  • UNSW College students
  • UNSW Institute of Languages students
  • UNSW Foundation Studies students
  • UNSW staff
  • UNSW alumni
  • Any other non-student can be an Associate Member

The main reason that Arc does not recognise the groups listed above as full members is that they do not pay SSAF, hence their fees are not apportioned to Arc in any way. 

Member Benefits

Find your favourite clubs

Clubs & Societies are fun for everyone. There are societies for every faculty of study, and hobby clubs of everything you can possibly imagine. They're an easy way to meet people who share your interests.

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See Sydney & Socialise

Arc Goes To... is provides free and heavily discounted trips and tours to famous sites around Sydney and beyond. Arc also runs a weekly Culture Cafe for casual conversation and English practicing - all are welcome!

Culture Cafe

Practice your English speaking skills in a casual environment.

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Head to Roundhouse

Roundhouse is home of student life at UNSW. Known for its epic session parties, fun events and relaxed atmosphere, it's the place to be for everyone in the UNSW community. Arc members also get discounted entry to parties!

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Play Sport

Find a sports club that suits your skills or participate in our social sport competitions. Also see She Can which is a special beginner's sporting program just for women!

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Get involved in volunteering

See how you can make a meaningful difference, meet new people and increase your skillset through volunteering. There are opportunities on campus, interstate and internationally.

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Stay in the loop

Like the Arc Facebook page to get updates on all the latest fun things happening on campus.

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Once you complete your preliminary studies and enroll as an official UNSW student you can be come a full Arc Member and gain the following additional benefits:

  • Get an Arc Membership pack
  • Room hire & equipment bookings
  • Apply for grants
  • Become a Club or Society Executive role
  • Apply for student jobs at Arc
  • Represent UNSW at Nationals
  • Vote at Arc Annual General Meetings, Emergency General Meetings, vote for Arc Board and apply for Arc Board
  • Access to Arc Legal & Advocacy services

Just visit Arc Reception with your valid student card to become a full Arc Member. 

Get in touch with any questions

Membership Enquiries

A:Gate 5 on High St, UNSW

Arc Reception

P:(02) 9065 0900

H:10AM - 5PM

A:Gate 5 on High St, UNSW