BY Georgia Griffiths

The 891 driver who let me on even though the bus was full

Our paths weren’t meant to cross, but I’m lucky they did. You saw me from a distance, struggling to run to the bus stop without dropping my textbooks. Any other bus driver would have driven away, but you waited for me. Despite having enough passengers already, you let me tap my Opal card and stagger into the aisle. My breathless “thank you” wasn’t just because I am incredibly unfit. You took my breath away, and I can’t wait until we meet again.

Any of the baristas

My angel. My saviour. I promise I’m not just using you for your coffee-making skills. I also love the way you listen to my coffee order and how you hand me my coffee when it’s ready. I like the way the coffee tastes and I like the way the coffee keeps me awake all day. I don’t know what I’d do without you – or your coffee.

The person who never showed up to tutes

You were a mystery to me. Your presence was always there, but never seen. Your name was called every week, and every week there was no reply. I wondered where you’d been, what you’d seen, who you’d met. Why did you never show up? Were you at an important event, or had you merely switched classes at the start of semester? You may not have been present, but you taught me that unrequited love burns the brightest.

Anyone who let me have their seat in the Law Library

Yours was a gentle love, like my first high school crush. You were courteous and caring, and while our time was brief, I’ll never forget the way you made me feel. You knew exactly what I was looking for in a study session. You provided me with the space I needed. We parted on good terms, unlike I did with those who left their stuff on the desk, and I’ll forever appreciate the sacrifices you made for me.

Every dog I've ever seen on campus

You were my first love and by far the strongest one. While I may not see you very often, every day I do is brighter for it. I love the way you run around without a care for the havoc you are causing amongst the student population. My happiest days are when I get to pat you, but even a glimpse of you is enough to sustain my love. Please visit more often.

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