BY Karen Yu

Our last ‘Women’ society is Women in Science (WIS)! As the last society to finish off our ‘Women’ week, let’s meet Sarah!

Out of all the people I’ve met this week, Sarah’s degree wowed me the most. Studying a double degree in Advanced Science and Arts, she majors in Chemistry for Advanced Science and a combined Politics and International Relations with a History minor for Arts, fancy right?

I want to bridge that gap so that people have better access to credible scientific information

Having always had an interest in chemistry and politics, Sarah’s ultimate goal is to be a science communicator in politics. She aims to help improve the scientific literacy among the general population.

We want to promote women in science, as the name suggests

Sarah wants WIS to be a symbol that ‘there are women in science’. She wants first year students and all women in science degrees to know that there is a place where they can join to talk and share their experiences.

On her favourite moment being part of WIS, Sarah said O-Week. She loved seeing all the fresh and energetic faces approaching her and expressing their interest and passion for science. Seeing these young adults walk up to the WIS stall and getting excited really put a smile on her face.

While they are a fairly new society they have strong insight into what they want to achieve in the future. WIS believe making connections is a huge part of what their society does.

We don’t want to exclude people

By now you should really know that all these societies with ‘Women’ in their names don’t necessary mean they are only for women. This also applies to degrees. Anyone wanting to support women in science and STEM is welcome to join.

If you feel like you’re struggling or an imposter, you’re not alone and it’s not true. You earned your position in your degree just like everybody else.

I personally find this quote very inspirational. Whilst some people might feel that they are lacking when compared with other students in their degree, what Sarah is saying is that you aren’t lacking. I think that many students, especially first years can relate to this.

The question for this week was movies so we’ll end with Sarah’s recommendations!

Sarah’s picks are ‘Hidden Figures’ and the all female cast ‘Ghost Busters’.

Thanks to Sarah for the lovely chat and inspirational quote!

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